About Us

About Us

Duomo Caffè

oopened in December 2014, Duomo Caffè is the exclusive wine bar of Ravello, located in the main square of the jem of the Amalfi coast, buen retiro for internationally renowned artists since the second half of the XIX century.

Reference point for both Italian and foreign customers visiting the City of Music, Duomo Caffè is not just a cafè, but also a snack bar for tasty light lunch as well as a cocktail bar. It offers, in fact, a large selection of the best Italian and local wines, as well as excellent labels of whiskey, sparkling wines, champagne, cognac, rhum, Armagnac and brandy. Homemade cakes, yogurt and ice creams of high quality complete the menu, in addition to a fine selection of before/after dinner drinks..

A refined and elegant place, to be lived in all day long: from breakfast to aperitif, from lunch to happy hour, from dinner to after dinner.

The large outside area on the main square is a perfect venue for before/after wedding party: the best way for sealing up a promise of eternal love. Our staff is at your disposal to satisfy your every need and transform into reality your every desire.

Bar in Ravello
Amalfi Coast

Duomo Caffè

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Keep in touch
Piazza Duomo, 15 • Ravello
Tel. 089 858315 – Email: info@duomocaffe.it


Our Contacts

Duomo Caffè is located in Piazza Vescovado, the main square of Ravello, onto which both the Cathedral and the gate to Villa Rufolo overlook. Center of the city life, Piazza Vescovado is the natural meeting place for tourists and locals, the elegant parlor of the City of Music.

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    I agree according to the D. Lgs. 196/03

    We hereby inform you that your personal information and data will be handled in our electronic and/or paper archives, in strict compliance with the measures laid down by the mentioned law. We hereby guarantee that all data and information will be treated as strictly confidential and handled for the purpose to supply you with the requested information. Mandatory fields are required and must be filled in completely, otherwise it will be impossible for us to supply you with the detailed and correct information. Your personal data and information will be treated by our booking staff and will be cancelled at end of the season, unless a reservation had been done. The data and information handling as required by the above is of no prejudice to the rights granted to you by article 7 of the mentioned regulations; Holder of the data processing is: Duomo Caffè - Piazza Duomo,15 Ravello 84010 (SA)

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